Armed Arab militia reportedly attacked more than 10 villages in Kass locality – Nyala, South Darfur.

Armed Arab militia reportedly attacked more than 10 villages in Kass locality – Nyala, South Darfur.

Between July 31 to August 1, 2020. more than 10 villages namely Boruna, Kurut, Mudaniqi, Taqiruw, Krwwkwl, Kilik, Kiunu, Aybu, Dimaqaniq, Mirayat, Am Shawkat, and Tadaria near Kass, South Darfur were attacked by militia belonging to the Arabs tribes. The said villages were completely burnt and the violence spread to several areas southwest of Kass locality.

According to witnesses, more than 10,000 civilians including women and children were displaced and fled to the camp for displaced persons in South Darfur. Dozens of victims were wounded and more than five civilians were killed. Large numbers of livestock and private property belonging to civilians were looted and destroyed.

And while the attack is still ongoing, authorities in South Darfur are yet to send forces to protect the civilians and contain the violence.

Names of those killed include:

1- Aisha Khalil Adam, 35 years old

2- Mohammed Alsaddiq, 30 years old

3-  Dawood Alsaddiq, 27 years old

4-  Sayf Al-diyn Abdullah Adam Mohammed, 19 years old

5-  Mohammed Osman is 60 years old

  • The following are reported to have been injured:

1-  Musa Salih Musa Adam, 25 years old

2-  Ali Adam Abdullah Hussein, 22 years

3-  Abdul Karim Adam Ahmed is 17 years old

4-  Ali Adam Abdullah Hussein, 20

5-    Ibrahim (Doki).

According to reports received, last week, government forces in Kass locality arrested two militia leaders – Suleiman Abiad (Dkhan) and Haroun Adam Hassin – members of the Rapid Support Force (RSF) and from the Arab Missiriya tribe on grounds that several members of their criminal gang were targeting and killing civilians on their farms and villages around Kass, and looting property. The Police in Kass found those arrested in possession of large numbers of heavy weapons, guns, and sniper rifles.

Despite the arrests, the Prosecutor, Police Colonel, Martady Ahmed Hamdana Allah, Director of Kass Police reportedly ordered the release of the suspects without any charges. The attacks on the named villages in Kass locality followed their release.

In retaliation for the release of the suspects, civilians of Kass locality organized peaceful demonstrations in front of the Police Prosecutor’s offices and appealed for justice accountability. However, police forces used tear gas against the peaceful demonstrators and fired live ammunition, which led to clashes and the burning of the Public Prosecution Office and the Police Headquarters. Four vehicles were also burnt.

Darfur Network for Monitoring and Documentation (DNMD), reiterates calls for demonstrators to exercise restraint and condemns the attacks against the peaceful demonstrators in Kass South Darfur.

DNMD also calls on:

  • GoS in South Darfur to take concrete action to stop such attacks against the civilian population by armed militia groups and immediately launch proper investigations into the actions of the Police Prosecutor in releasing the suspects without charge.
  • Urges UNAMID to continue providing protection to civilians
  • Urges the Government of Sudan to enhance security sector reforms and deployment of fully resourced security personnel to protect civilians and ensure law and order in different parts of Darfur.

For more information, contact Mohammed Hassan, Executive Director, DNMD at email: [email protected] and on Tel: (+256)752792112 (+249)924638036

More information is available from Mohammed Hassan, Executive Director, DNHR.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (+256)752792112 or (+249)924638036

P.O. Box: 144218