A military coup shut down the internet in Sudan.

Since early on the morning of October 25, 2021, a Military coup shut down the internet in Sudan.

Darfur Network for Monitoring and Documentation (DNMD) is deeply concerned about, and strongly condemns, the military coup in Sudan and the subsequent purported suspension of several provisions of the Constitutional Declaration; dissolution of the Sovereign Council, the Cabinet, and of the Transitional Government of Sudan.

Since Early on the morning of October 25, 2021, Sudanese security forces arrested at least five civilian members of Sudan’s transitional government, including Prime Minister Abdalla Homdok and his wife, as well as other officials and key political leaders, and civil society actors. The whereabouts of all detained individuals are unknown. Unconfirmed reports suggest that some civilian government leaders have been subjected to ill-treatment.

As we condemn the military coup to the civilian’s transitional government and the arrest of the PM. Homdok and other several cabinet ministers to an unknown destination up to now.  yesterday General Burhan announcement on TV Sudan, and they ensure the Sudanese people that they’ll lead these Transitional people until General election 2023. Sudan. This is against the popular civilian demand for democracy in the country.

DNMD, it’s so anxious! for what is going on in Sudan’s military coup, we are requesting for solidarity in Sudan with us to launch initiative for advocacy against the military coup to the civilian’s Transitional government. We demand the Sudanese military to end the arbitrary detention of the civilian government leaders and guarantee their protection from torture and ill-treatment.

We are also with concern about the switching off of the Internet and other communications channels, which has made it difficult for the Sudanese people to receive and send information within and outside of Sudan we are expecting more human rights violations against of HRDs, civilians, and civil society organizations

Tomorrow October 30, 2021, our advocacy priority is for the Sudanese military to immediately hand the authority to civilians’ government of transitional led by PM, Abdalla Homdok and also to claim back internet in Sudan immediately because, Today, the Internet is one of the most effective and efficient ways to monitor and protect the violations of human rights in Sudan. social media Whether it is through Facebook, Myspace, WhatsApp, Twitter, or another website, the internet gives us the opportunity to connect with all kinds of different people and read news and information from all over the world Sudan is now out of the world scene, as a result, the military coup leaders and their supporters will use the absence of media to cover up violations of human rights. We are worried about the situation. It will grow worse and be dangerous in shutting down the internet as a result we expect more violations in Sudan.

Let’s Call on the Sudanese authorities to respect the right to peaceful protest by avoiding the use of force against protestors, preventing arbitrary detentions and torture of individuals, and by restoring all communications networks.

For more information, contact Mohammed Hassan, Executive Director, Darfur Network for Monitoring and Documentation at [email protected] Tell: (+256 )752792112 (+249)924638036

More information is available from Mohammed Hassan, Executive Director, DNHR.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (+256)752792112 or (+249)924638036

P.O. Box: 144218